Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It begins, AGAIN!

I began journaling on June 2, 2007 on AOL. AOL is about to close down their jornals and will be transfering our journals to this venue. I open this journal in a similar way I began
I begin this blog with excitement! I am a life coach. I have been such for 12 years and am now making it my lifes work. This is the begining of a dream. A labor of love.

The photo above is entitled "The Miracle To Come" by Mackenzie Thorp

If you think you can. You're right.
If you think you can't. YOU'RE RIGHT?
I am so thankful for my calling in life. How lucky am I to have the job of helping others believe in themselves!
Take a few minutes to view this video. It moved me to tears! (happy ones) ENJOY!


Gayla said...

As I sit here typing this out in tears, because I have been journaling for 5 years now. This people are my family and some I've met.
Thank you for your entry and I followed your advice and started my journal on Blogger (no entry yet), but have my address:

Your the best!!!


alphawoman said...

Another suggestion, use the tag lines, sign up for technorati and twitter. When people (I know you know this, but I thought I would just throw it in) type in something like "Inspiration" it will allow your jnl. to pop up. this feature never worked with AOL so be ready for new readers via google!

Joyce said...

OK. I'm here and you are now marked so I won't lose you.
Hugs, Joyce

ada said...

Thank you so much for helping with the transition for me from AOL blog/journal. I look forward to reading your entries, as well as some of our "old" friends from AOL.

Missie said...

I think we'll be okay over here at blogger!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Hi Sweetie, Glad to see you here as well! (Hugs)Indigo

AGirlNexDoorCreation said...

Found ya...lol..have a great rest of the week..Hugs,TerryAnn